
China Glaze He's Going in Circles

Hey ya'll! So in case you were wondering, no I haven't gone color blind...I know this is supposed to be Pink Wednesday! Last post I mentioned that I was sick and since then my husband AND baby have  gotten sick. Needless to say these past few days have been sleepless and miserable. But I think we are past the worst of it! SO anyways...I was hoping you guys would forgive me for being MIA if I showed you some holographic goodness?... I thought so!! :)

Dustin found this polish from the Kaleidoscope collection at a good price so we picked up 2 (one is in my giveaway!!). I am so in love with this polish!

I wish I had this entire collection because it's gorgeous. I almost prefer it to the OMG collection.

You definitely don't need sunlight to see it's goodness since the holo pieces are bigger and a little more scattered.

So there you have it! If you haven't entered my giveaway, please do so YOU can  have a shot at some of this amazingness too! The link is in the top right corner of this blog. I hope to be back next time with some nail art. <3


  1. I like it. How many coats did you have to use & did you use a base?

  2. I want this polish so bad, but I keep getting outbid for it on the bay of evil (aka eBay)!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. @Ashley- This was 3 coats. The formula is really thin. If I wanted it to be totally perfect I probably would have done 4. Like most holos, it dries super fast!

    @Amanda- Good luck finding it! It's def worth the trouble of Ebay! ;)

  5. @Ashley- Sorry I forgot to say that yes I used a base!

  6. Aww, I hope you, your husband and baby feel better soon!! This is gorgeousness... amazingness... I want want want!!

  7. @Fiona- Thank you so much...we are hoping the worst is over!

  8. I also want this polish so bad!!

  9. I just found out about ur blog today and im lovin it!!! U and ur husband r really good at nail art!!! Im going to be turning thirteen soon and im thinking of what nail polishes i should get for my birthday present! have any ideas??


Hey readers! If I haven't checked out your blog, please let me know in an email so I make sure I get it! :) amberajohnson89@gmail.com