
OPI Simmer and Shimmer

Hi ladies! I have missed you guys in my short absence...I am finally back home with my husband and my whole stash! haha I missed having all of my polishes as options (and my hubby of course)! 

I am showing you a mani I wore a few days ago. You can still see Color Club Warhol chillen on my nails...apparently it wanted to stick around longer than I intended. Oops. This is Simmer and Shimmer from OPI's 2010 Holiday Burlesque collection. I discovered these a little late, but I am so in love! I bought this from a blog sale. Here is the link (Polish and Konad), there are still some awesome polishes up for grabs!!

My formula was on the thick side and I am not sure if that's because it was already used or just because it's a glitter.

Hopefully my posts get a little more interesting now that I am home. I am craving a palate cleanser after all this glitter I have been wearing lately!! Don't forget to vote on my poll for which untried polish you want to see! Also this week I will begin a review series for some products from Born Pretty Store. <3


  1. This is the only glitter I really like from that collection. I'm not sure it was appropriate to put rainbow glitter in all of them. Kind of ruined it for me. I'm hoping that the Muppet glitters aren't the same way!

  2. Wowsers! What a great polish...I don't have any from that collection, maybe I should check it out!

  3. @thenailaholic- I am so excited for the Muppet Glitters! Have you seen this post??

    @Whitney- If you love glitter, you definitely should!


Hey readers! If I haven't checked out your blog, please let me know in an email so I make sure I get it! :) amberajohnson89@gmail.com