
Candy Corn Mani

Hi everyone! I am trying to figure out a new place for us to live since the place we have been living for 2 years raised our rent. Fun right? :/

I know there's lots of candy corn manicures out there...but this one's mine! haha This is a pretty straight forward concept, but I included step by step pictures just in case! The base for this is Zoya Pippa.

Next, use a bright orange (this is Color Club Wham! Pow!) and paint 1/3 of the way down.

And finally, top it off with white. Mine is really chunky and thick. Ew. This is Sinful Colors Snow Me White. 

For some added bling, we added an iridescent glitter from LA Colors on top. Glitter makes everything better right? :)

As long as you look past the chunkiness, this is a cute mani! <3


  1. cute version, I need to try this!
    Sucks your rent went up :( hopefully u find a better cheaper place :-P

  2. hope you find a better place :) and really cute mani :D

  3. I know all about hunting for a place to live, doing the same right now! Very cute mani!

  4. That orange is appropriately named! Cute mani!

  5. OMG...I'm doing it!!! Now I flippin have to buy two new colors of polish. Damn you mynailgraffiti!!! LOL!

  6. So cute! I love candy corn manis! And now I'm hungry for some candy corn, lol! XD

  7. I tried it myself. Look!

    Blog post link:

    Thanks for the idea!

  8. I did a candy corn mani last week and couldn't stop staring at my nails! Super cute and I couldn't stop staring at it. I love your version with the added glitter! So cute!

  9. Hi, Amber! Stopping by to let you know that I featured your fabulous mani on my blog today in celebration of National Candy Corn Day! http://www.chattingoverchocolate.com/2013/10/a-dozen-ways-to-celebrate-national.html
    Thanks for sharing this terrific tutorial! :*) Happy (early) Halloween!


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