
Layering with LA Girl Glitters

Hi ladies! 

I have some simple layering for you today. With all the polishes I own the possibilities are endless and I could probably play around with different combos all day. haha

The base for these combos is LA Girl Urge. This is a pretty pastel lime green with gold shimmer. I really wasn't expecting to like this as much as I did! This is somewhat sheer, so this is 3 thicker coats. Totally worth it, I think!

For the first layering combo, this is LA Girl Glitter Addict in Inspire. This is a light, rosy pink glitter with different size glitters throughout. Not too simple and not too crazy...this polish is a fun way to play with glitter and not look like a little kid. :P I wore this particular combo topped with LA Girl Diamond Top Coat for 3 days and had no tip wear and it smoothed the glitter out. Usually I get some sort of tip wear by the 2nd day.

And here is one that reminds me of Frankenstein...perfect for Halloween! I think this is my favorite of the 2. It's called Eutopia. 

Overall, I am a HUGE fan of these glitters and hope to be the proud owner of all of them at some point! :) 

One thing I did want to ask you ladies is, have you noticed the similarities between Forever 21 polishes and LA Girl? Their bottles are identical. And recently, I picked up the copper version of this glitter from Cherry Culture and realized it's the EXACT same as one I had from Forever 21! Weird...

Well that's all I have for now, but I will be back later to show you more! <3

*Some polishes in this post were sent for review in exchange for my honest opinions.


  1. now that i've seen inspire i think i need to have it!!

  2. I love the blue combo! I too have noticed the F21 and LA Girls polishes look the same, and I have found a few that were similar. I wonder if they are made by the same people....I'm too lazy to look though, lol.

  3. The love and beauty Forever21 polishes are in fact distributed by the same company as LA Girl! That is why there are dupes in the love and beauty line of LA Girl polishes. :)

    Nice color combos you did! :)

  4. I'm pretty sure that most of F21's polishes are repackaged from other brands - mostly LA Girls (the bottles are EXACTLY the same, most of the colors are exactly the same, and F21 USED to sell LAG and now they only sell their "Love & Beauty" brand) not to mention they sell them for the same price as Cherry Culture ($2.80) can't be a coincidence :P

  5. I ordered some L.A. Glitters the other day!


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