
Holo Cloud Mani a la Nailside

Hey hey!

I have been wanting to try this look for quite some time from Nailside, who is super talented at original nail art. Definitely give her a follow if you haven't already! The look I am showing today is by far her most popular look, the cloud mani. I decided to put my own twist on it by using holos from the China Glaze OMG collection: DV8, 2NITE, and OMG. I think the end result is pretty awesome!

Love it! How many of you have tried the cloud mani? 
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  1. This is adorable! I love the holo-ness!

  2. I never have tried to do a cloud mani...I don't know if I have the steady hand and talent it needs! Looks amazing with the OMG collection 3!

  3. holo clouds?? yess!!! also, I couldn't get your pin it button to work :(

  4. o.O OMG! Holo clouds! what a amazing idea! I love holos :)

  5. Wow! I need to try this. It looks amazing!

  6. Amazing look :)


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