
China Glaze Surfin For Boys + Pretty n Polished Phoenix

Happy Saturday everyone!

It's been nothing but a rainy week and today is no different. I am ready for the sun to come out so I can go back to the pool! :P

So once again I kinda fell of the blogging wagon this week. If I am being honest, I just haven't been in the mood. Do you guys have to be in a certain mood to blog? 

Anyway, I am showing you China Glaze Surfin for Boys with some layering. These pics are so NOT color accurate by the way. This is really a hot red shade, but I couldn't get that to show up at all. I think this is the first polish in my collection I have found nearly impossible to photograph. Either way, this polish has a great formula and is super fun and bright.

Surfin for Boys is the perfect underwear for Pretty and Polished's Phoenix! I was so happy with how the 2 looked together once they were on the nail. Perfect for summer, right?

I added a flower fimo slice for a little accent. I like it, but fimos are so hard to get used to because they stick out off my nail. I guess that's a pet peeve of mine. haha

So that's it! Also, I had my giveaway end a couple days ago and I hope to announce the winner this weekend. :)
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  1. Love your mani! I have issues with fimos as well, I absent unconsciously peel them off. LOL! I've been in a bit of a blogging slump myself, so I'm thinking about doing a Makeup challenge. :) Maybe you can try one too?

  2. Love the colors!

    I'm actually taking the summer off from my regular blog (writing and knitting) and concentrating on my nail blog, just for fun. I needed some new blood in the mix, you know? Something different. Maybe you just need something fresh to get you excited again. :)

  3. I love Surfin for Boys! It is the perfect "underwear" for Phoenix! They look great together! :)

  4. I want the color it shows up as! lol. Good thing I have Surfin for boys and I loooove it, and your mani too!


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