
Different Dimension Swatches and Review Part I

Hello polish lovers!

I have an indie review for you guys today! I have worked with Different Dimension before (you can see those posts *here*), and I am happy to have the chance to do so again. I love the variety that Missi comes up with in her creations. She has a variety of polish finishes, and today I have some awesome holos to share! 

You will have to excuse my swollen pregnant fingers...I am hoping I can drink enough water to bring it down some!

Anyway, first up we have Stronger. This is a pale blue holo with a blue flash/sparkle to it in 3 coats. Such a cool twist to add to a holo!

See the blue sparkle? Love!

Next, is Black Dahlia. This is a purple-y charcoal holo with some iridescent color shifting glitters throughout as well as a purple shimmer/flash in 3 coats. Very complex!

 And finally, we have Wide Awake. This is a pale pink/almost a light lavender holo with a bright pink holo/sparkle to it. 3 coats.

Again, you can see the pink sparkle best in this photo:

I am a fan of these, for sure. They aren't your typical holos!

Tell me your thoughts on these!

Keep an eye out for Part II of my Different Dimension review soon!

Different Dimension can be purchased on Etsy. And to be in the know on all things Different Dimension, like the Facebook page!

*Polish sent for review in exchange for my honest opinions.


  1. Preety. I love them all. But I like the pink one the best hehe

  2. Awesome colors! There all so pretty :)

  3. these are lovely. i really love holos.

    the painted ninja


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